OBE(Out of body experience)


Well, has that ever happened to you?

 For example, you see yourself;  It means there is another you in front of you.  Not in the mirror but in reality.

 You must be afraid or think ghosts or your spirit appears before you.

 No, none of that.

 This is Out-of-Body Experience abbreviated as OBE.

 Out-of-body experience stands in Bengali for having the feeling/experience of being somewhere without being physically present.

 People face such events at special moments.

 Many know English actor Stephen Graham, who himself received an OBE at the age of eighteen.

 He was performing a play on stage with his mother and father.

 Suddenly he found his exact other self speaking to the audience in front of the stage.

 According to him, this has happened to him many times.

 In a July 1984 report in the Journal Society of Psychical Research, a person who experienced an OBE described his experience, saying,

 "Suddenly I see my two existences,

 In one I am sitting insensibly on the sofa and in the other I can see the movement just ahead.

 In fact, I was basically sitting on the sofa at that time."

 Research shows that one in ten people will experience an OBE one or more times in their lifetime.

 Now the question may arise why is it or when?

 Of course there are answers.

 In some cases it happens naturally and in some cases it is due to one's own actions.

 Notable among those that occur naturally are,

 When you sleep, means just before falling into deep sleep.

 Or maybe you are sleeping somewhere but due to the noise around or any other reason you are not sleeping properly or you are half asleep, just then a xerox copy of yours goes somewhere else and is doing something, it would be wrong to say that you can feel it or your xerox  You can see everything the copy has gone to live or move right in front of you.

 And one of the reasons is that when you have a very serious accident and you get a heavy brain injury, you become unconscious for a long time.

 It is during this time that most people experience OBEs;

 He is unconscious but he can see that he is doing various activities that he used to do in normal life.

 Now come to Near Death experience.

 Let me give you an example, suppose you are drowning in water or something is happening so that you are facing death, at that very moment you will see your xerox copy.

 Most of the people who have near death experience have faced it.

 There are also certain drugs that can cause OBEs.

 And those who meditate,

 Almost all of us know about them that they mastered several things called Astral Projection.

 Some people also experience OBEs during anesthesia, childbirth, or hypnosis.

A very recent study found that the temporal lobe of the brain, which is between the ears

 This problem occurs due to the instabilities of the part of the brain where it resides.

 The term OBE was first mentioned by G.N.M Tyrrell in his book Apparitions in 1943.

 Here are some more interesting facts about OBE.

 A 36-year-old American police officer described his experience as saying,

 My first day of work was night duty.

 I and three other police officers were traveling in a car, when we saw some suspicious persons and stopped the car and got down.

 At that time I got very scared, and immediately I felt like I was 20 feet up out of my body, and I felt cold in my body. I could see everything, I could see myself;

 I am doing exactly what I was taught in training.

 OBEs are more common in pilots or astronauts.

 Overcoming too much gravitational force, some blood accumulates in a part of the brain called the

 "Gravity induced loss of consciousness"

 Col. Dan Fulgham, a pilot describing his experience, said,

 "I was there but it felt like I wasn't there. I was floating. I could see my self outside of me."

 It's more like, "What you see is what you see."

 it's not"

 About 300 mental problems have been known in the world so far.

 Anyway, let's end with an interesting fact,

 A movie about out-of-body experience was made in Bengali language in 2017

 Titled 'Ami Jai Chatterjee', this OBE issue is brilliantly illustrated by Abir Chatterjee.

 -OBE (Out of Body Experience) 

 - Hasibur Rahman Bhashani




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