Music Therapy (Music as Medicine)


What do we usually mean by medical system?

 If you are sick, go to the doctor and

 He will diagnose the disease through examination and give us the necessary medicine instructions.

 This is it.

 But beyond this there are numerous methods of medical science.

 As such, many times the doctor advises his patient to exercise or change his diet beyond the medication instructions.

 But this is as important as taking medicine.

 Well, if someone uses music instead of medicine, it means straight Bengali song.

 So will the patient recover?

 Many people will surely laugh when they hear this or think that it is all nonsense.

 The answer to the above question is yes.

 It is also possible to heal the patient by listening or playing songs/tunes.

 That too without any side effects.

 And the name of this wonderful invention of medical science is music therapy.

 Where music heals you.

 This issue was first highlighted in a Columbia magazine in 1789.

 Then in 1800 it was first used experimentally.

 In 1940, Gaston initiated music therapy as a profession and institutionalized education.

 For his pioneering role, he is called the father of music therapy.

 There are currently approximately 8,000 certified music therapists in the United States.

 Anyway, back to the beginning.

 During World War I and the aftermath of World War II, countless soldiers suffered mental breakdowns and their mental condition deteriorated day by day.

 At that time even the medical system could not cure them properly.

 The hardships spent on the battlefield are permanently etched in their minds.

 That's when music therapy works best.

 After World War II, American soldiers were also psychologically aided by the use of music therapy

 It was possible to pass.

Even when thinking normally

 At least we can understand in our personal life that,

 Some songs or tunes can really make us feel better;

 Some songs remind us of the past.

 Basically, different parts of the brain transmit different emotions to us.

 And music reaches almost every part of the brain.

 Due to which those feeling centers respond and certain feelings emerge in us according to that particular music.

 Using music therapy to treat anxiety, depression,

 Depression etc. are removed.

 It is also used in rehabilitation, mental energization, pain relief, respiratory rate, and several other psychiatric conditions including Alzheimer's.

 However, music therapy usually

 Calm/slow songs or tunes are used.

 Studies have shown that slow music lowers blood pressure and relaxes muscles when listened to for long periods of time.

 Also, high and low pitch and vibrating music have the ability to raise or lower the heart rate.

 In addition, endorphin hormones are released under the influence of music.

 Which creates joy/excitement in the brain.

 It also acts as a pain reliever.

 The hormone cortisol helps increase anxiety and depression.

 But when listening to slow music, cortisol levels are lower.

 Hence our worries and sorrows are reduced.

 Currently, music therapy is widely used in various countries of the world including our neighboring country India.

 There are numerous books on music therapy.

 There have been many movies too.

 Among them, Jim Kohlberg in 2011

 The movie 'The Music Never Stopped' got quite a response.

 The German poet Berthold Auerbach famously said,

 "Music washes away from the soul

 the dust of everyday life"

 [] Music Therapy: Music as Medicine

 [] Hasibur Rahman Bhashani

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