A to Z about Colon Cancer.

Recently, there is a lot of buzz around colon cancer. 

Recently, Black Panther famous actor Chadwick Boseman also died of this disease.

 Earlier, the late actor Irrfan Khan also suffered from colon disease for a long time towards the end of his life.


 Famous writer Humayun Ahmed also died due to colon cancer.

 At present, many people are worried and worried about this issue.

 Today let's take a short tour of the city of colon cancer.

 However, it is important to know before that, what is the colon or what is its function?

 When I eat a food, it first passes through the mouth, esophagus and accumulates in the stomach.

 From then on, digestion begins.

 After passing through the stomach, the rest of the digestion is completed in the small intestine and enters the large intestine.

 This is the colon, which is basically part of the large intestine.

 Its main function is to absorb and push the undigested part of the food out of the body in a special way, which is then passed out of the body in the form of faeces.

 And at this time it absorbs water, ions, vitamins from the undigested part of the food.

 Now the question is, if this large intestine is cut off, can people survive?

 Of course it survives, but in that case something like a packet should be attached outside the body with the small intestine.

 However, there is a high chance of getting infected later.

 Anyway, let's get to the point.

 'Colon Cancer'

Large intestine mainly consists of four layers.

 In its innermost layer, some abnormal cells first begin to form and a polyp is formed. However, it has not yet transformed into cancer cells.

 Then slowly it transforms into cancerous cells and successively spreads to the surrounding extra layers and finally to other organs.

 There are basically five stages of colon cancer.


 The three steps 0, 1 and 2 are usually called initial steps.

 The signs of this period are,

 1) Constipation

 2) Diarrhea

 3) Stool color, shape changes

 4) Passing blood with stool

 5) Excess gas in stomach

 6) Stomach is empty

 7) Stomach pain

 The rest of the stages are basically late stage or late dark stage of infection.

 The signs of this period are,

 1) Excessive lethargy/fatigue

 2) Weakness without any reason

 3) Weight loss

 4) Stool change is more than previous month

 5) Even after passing stool, there is a feeling as if the stool has not been passed completely.

 It's never okay.

 6) Vomiting

 Then when the cancer has spread beyond the colon to other organs, the signs that are seen are:

 1) Jaundice

 2) Swelling of hands and feet

 3) Shortness of breath

 4) Chronic headache

 5) Blurred vision

 6) Bone/bone fragility

 Colon cancer is not well understood at first.

 That's why most patients go to stage 3 or 4 by the time they come to the doctor or are diagnosed with this disease.

Now let's see who is at risk of colon cancer.

 or in whom the disease is more likely to occur.

 1) Elderly people: those aged 50 or more

 They are a bit more risky.

 Although it can occur in people of all ages, most people diagnosed with colon cancer are in their fifties.

 2) If you have ever had colon cancer or polyps in the colon or have ever suffered from ulcerative colitis then you are at risk.

 3) If anyone in your family has ever had this disease, it means someone in blood relation.

 4) Consuming high fat food and less vegetable food.

 5) If you sit all day in office or school college without doing any physical work or exercise or do such low physical work every day.

 6) Diabetes

 7) Excess body weight

 8) Cigarettes, drinking

 9) This disease is more common in Americans and Africans.

 10) Those who work in night shift every day.

 Now come to the solution or what you can do to avoid this risk.

 First of all, red meat such as beef or pork should be reduced and processed meat such as hot dogs and grills should also be avoided.

 Stay away from fatty foods.

 These increase the risk of colon cancer.

 Consuming healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables,

 Correct body weight (BMI) according to height.

 Exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes).

 Avoiding bidis, cigarettes, alcohol.

 Keeping diabetes under control.

 Health check-up at least once a year if over 50;

 And if this disease remains in the family, then the rest of the family should also be extra careful.

 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women worldwide will experience colon cancer at least once in their lifetime.

 The number of people suffering from colon cancer is increasing day by day.

 Another thing is that the risk of colon cancer is much lower if you use a normal toilet that is not a commode.

 According to cancer diagnoses in America

 Colon cancer ranks third.

 About one and a half lakh people are getting colon cancer there every year.

 However, if colon cancer is detected early, it is possible to cure almost 80 percent of patients.

 But 40 percent of patients who progress to stage 3 recover.

 And at the last stage 4, 10 percent of the patients recover and some of the remaining patients die and some continue to suffer.

 Those who have seen the movie A Little Bit of Heaven must be aware of colon cancer, in which actress Kate Hudson plays a terminal colon cancer patient.

 Cartoonist Charles M. Schulz, British actress Audrey Hepburn, US President Ronald Reagan and many other famous people have died of colon cancer.

 Let's all be aware and prevent colon cancer.

  'A to Z of Colon cancer'

 - Hasibur Rahman Bhasani

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