Good Effects and Bad effects of PUBG Mobile | All about PUBG |

Good Effects and Bad effects of PUBG Mobile | All about PUBG |

Ten Bad sides or Bad effects of PUBG Gaming:

1)PUBG is the Over addictive Game.That's why may youngers are easily addicted to this game but face difficulty to avoid this game.

2)Secondly the young Boys and girls of the Under developed country like india,Bangladesh, Nepal,Myanmar are now highly addict to this game and which is very dangerous sign for Their nation.

3)Time waste:It takes almost 30 minutes or even more For just a singles match.So,It is definitely a game for time waste.

4)It damage both of your eyes and also ears.(Long time gaming)

5)Many boys and girls play this game till the midnight or even they play this game overnight. That’s why they suffering from many physical and mental disease.

6)In Nepal,The effect of this game are observed in social life.

7)Many youngs are keep them away from his family,relative and social wroks because of Pubg gaming.

8)Our body works in a cycle.Awakening overnight hampered this cycle.

9)Insomnia,Anorexia,Vertigo, breast cancer(female),Prostate cancer(male)
Can occour.

10)Decrease melatonin hormone secret because of short sleep and that's why Irregularity in cell cycle occurred.

Five Good Sides of PUBG Mobile :

1)Keep away from depression and loneliness.

2)It is a very good option for making Global Village.

3)It is the best platform for practice English phonetics.

4)It Increase Mutual relationship among with other Nations.

5)People easily can know about various types of rifles,Shot gun,Sniper and their bullets,damage etc.

Overall It has both negative and positive  side that actually depends on those person who play this game .

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